2. Increased Financial Resources for Expansion

Increase the positive yearly surplus generated by operations, and a growing endowment and annual fund, to provide ample funding for strategic, mission-driven priorities and expansion.

1. Grow net operating revenue through expansion of the University’s core business of full-time student programs by maintaining a positive balance between revenues and expenses, and reducing the overhead to total-expense ratio.

 2. Plan and implement a new endowment campaign to strengthen financial stability and support the pursuit of opportunities for expansion.

 3. Plan and implement a new capital campaign to fund strategic, mission-driven, improvements to, and expansion of, the facilities housing all of the University’s key operations.

 4. Expand the Annual Fund campaign to support implementation of the University’s strategic priorities.

 5. Develop and implement a new compensation plan that provides ample and consistent financial support for all faculty and administrators in order to maintain a highly skilled, engaged, and motivated team of University personnel in perpetuity. 

 6. Develop and implement a retirement plan for faculty and staff.


Increase the positive yearly surplus generated by operations, and a growing endowment and annual fund, to provide ample funding for strategic, mission-driven priorities and expansion.

1. Grow net operating revenue through expansion of the University’s core business of full-time student programs by maintaining a positive balance between revenues and expenses, and reducing the overhead to total-expense ratio.
– David Todt, Vice-President of Expansion

2. Plan and implement a new endowment campaign to strengthen financial stability and support the pursuit of opportunities for expansion.
In 2010 a consulting firm was hired and a feasibility study was completed with recommendation to peruse a $50 million campaign, the campaign was launched in January 2011, over $5 million in pledges and donations have been received and over $7 million in new bequest gifts have been set up in donor estate plans.  Over 50 additional prospects have been identified for further cultivation and solicitation.
– David Todt, Vice-President of Expansion

3. Plan and implement a new capital campaign to fund strategic, mission-driven, improvements to, and expansion of, the facilities housing all of the University’s key operations.
Even though the endowment campaign has taken precedent over the capital campaign, $5 million of the endowment was earmarked for direct spending on capital improvements, and over 35% of the campaign gifts so far have been designated for capital improvement.
– David Todt, Vice-President of Expansion

4. Expand the Annual Fund campaign to support implementation of the University’s strategic priorities.
We have exceeded our Annual Fund goal for the last two years.  However, we do not feel we have a broad enough base of annual giving donors to increase the goal in the immediate future.  We are working toward this goal, but it may take longer than anticipated.
– David Todt, Vice-President of Expansion

5. Develop and implement a new compensation plan that provides ample and consistent financial support for all faculty and administrators in order to maintain a highly skilled, engaged, and motivated team of University personnel in perpetuity.
– Dave Streid, Chief Administrative Officer

 6. Develop and implement a retirement plan for faculty and staff.
– Dave Streid, Chief Administrative Officer