Comparing 2010 Goals to Results and 2013 Plan

March 2013

Below is a series of charts, highlighting key areas of interest: enrollment, recruiting, student fees, revenue per student, the endowment fund and online education. The charts compare actual results with both our original 2010 Strategic Plan and the 2013 plan revisions.

  • Enrollment – Global Enrollment and Standard Student Enrollment has exceeded the original goals, whereas COOP enrollment has not.
  • Recruiting – Both Standard Program and COOP recruiting are below the original goals but are exceeding the 2013 revised goals.
  • Student fees – On track with the original 2010 goals for the first years, but didn’t reach the dramatic growth goal for 2012–13.
  • Average revenue per student – Steady but slow increase, though not reaching the original goal.
  • Endowment fund – After a few years of operations the goals were revised to be more realistic.
  • Online education – Strong initial participation in courses, but decline thereafter instead of the projected growth. Gross income has increased, but net revenue stays near break-even.
  • Payroll – Increases in the first years exceed the 2010 goals, but the current plan projects a more modest growth for the future.

2010 Strategic Plan Goals