Spring 2014 Department Reports

Business Administration

  • The Department of Business Administration measures its effectiveness along dimensions that articulate with the university’s goals of financial stability, excellence in teaching, national recognition through scholarship, and service to the community and world. They key dials on our dashboard are:
    • STATUS:
  • Expand career services with greater outreach (mentioned in the above list of achievements), coupled with the possible reorganization of that area to combine career counseling and job placement under a single umbrella.

Student Life

Goals for 2013-2014 and extent to which they were met
  • Establish a Maharishi Ayur-Veda clinic, primarily for students, but also for faculty and staff.
    • STATUS: Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.
  • Expand career services with greater outreach (mentioned in the above list of achievements), coupled with the possible reorganization of that area to combine career counseling and job placement under a single umbrella.